Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 230th Birthday, America
"...and now, lo, I am this day four score and five years old.
As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses
sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength
now, for war, both to go out, and to come in".

(Joshua 14:10-11)

At the entry point of another year, the 231st year of American declaration of Independence, the heady and stubborn strong-man of terrorism has begun to loose part of his armour. The strong-men of sexual perversion and drug-abuse remains untamed in a mortal combat with a people of destiny. The agenda remain unchanged, that is: to derail a nation from her divine appointment with destiny.

The U.S. remains a big battle-axe in the hands of the Almighty God, against the sliding descent into barbarism by the forces of evil. What greater birthday gift can we give to a land, whose flowing milk and honey are being enviously attacked by the forces of moral pollution, social corruption and spiritual degeneration, than to stand in the gap, in the similitude of the ministry of Hur and Aaron, to lift the hand of this "spiritual Moses" up, for total victory in the battle against world Amalekites!

I celebrate with a great people destined for world leadership and pray that your feeble knees shall recieve strength to win every battle against degeneration and, the Lord shall strengthen and teach your fingers to fight victoriously against every ambush of terrorism; in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Fighting Daily
"Be merciful unto me, O God: for man would
swallow me up; he fighting daily oppresseth me".

(Psalms 56:1)

One wise man once said that, if God should open our eyes to see the battles that are being waged continually against our destiny by the enemies of our soul, we we would wake up from slumbering and would never want to go to sleep again, never!

The nature of the battle we face in life is graphically painted in today's anchor scripture. A swallowing enemy, that is waging daily war against us. His mouth must, no doubt, be very big. What that means is that an enemy that employs the weapon of the tongue to wear-out and 'finish' your prospects and accomplishments.

How does he do this daily? By incantations and enchantments. By curses, casting of spells, false accusation, causing accidents (domestic and others) that spill your blood, whispering doubts into your hearts, etc.

This is the worst kind of battle that any man can face. It is a silent battle that is not easily noticed. Many of us have been found wanting, in this aspect of spiritual warfare. It is a war that we are so ignorant of, and have ignored to our daily perils.

Many-a-time, the outcome of the actual battle had been pre-determined by the verbal chants that had gone forth to tilt the victory in favor of the enchanter. Many battles that were won or lost during the day-time were first fought at midnight seasons, before the dawn of each day. That is why Job 38:12 admonished us to take control of each day from the day-spring (i.e. from dawn). Only those who win in the night battles take charge as "Commanders" during the day.

Hammer of Fire
God Almighty has given us a weapon of victory, to destroy this 'amoury of the mouth' of the enemy. Praise God, He made provision for the 'Word Hammer' (Jeremiah 23:29) to smite the cheekbone and break the teeth (Psalms 3:7) of the enemy in battle. Instead of engaging the enemy in articulate arguments, just raiser an altar of fire at midnight and take delivery of the hammer of fire for your victorious battle against the enemy.

What else can the enemy chant without a cheekbone and teeth? The word hammer would not spare the enemy's tongue with its condemnation (Isaiah 54:17) blows, that grinds wicked tongues. You are not permitted to be slumbering daily when the enemy is fighting daily against you.

Now, prophetically raise up your right-hand, in the fashion of one who lifts up a hammer, in readiness to descend with force to break an obstacle. Take this prayer point with me with fire in your voice:
  • Hammer of Fire, descend and Destroy every evil mouth, that is opened in judgment against my glorious destiny this year 2006, in Jesus name.
  • Every altar of darkness raised against my goodness and family this year; Receive the fiery judgment of the hammer of the Almighty God Now, in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
Pray these prayers 3 hot times, and and spent quality 5 minutes on each prayer, you shall return to share testimonies to the mighty power of God that is able to rescue and avenge you of your adversaries! in Jesus name.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Mid-wife of the Mid-night Season
"So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul:
when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward,
and thy expectation shall not be cut off."

(Proverbs 24:14)

Our negligence to nurture the applicable truths of life is the reason for our present spiritual torture. Yesterday, I promised to take you on a spiritual tour of the "Gate" and the "Gate-Keeper". When you wrestle mentally and spiritually (at the 'entry point' of any territory or season) against the 'gate-keeper' in charge of that territory or season, and you win that contest, you are bound to shine and florish like the morning star. Every man or woman of stature, status and stardom in world history, were victors of the 'battle of the gates.

"Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun."(Psalms 19:2-4) This scripture ratify the stubborn truth of greatness and world fame, that many of us have been so negligent of, in the past.

Every day has a speech to offer, so has the night season been showing some mysteries that delivers from slavery, and makes for mastery in life. But the tragedy is that we are numbed from thisese signals.

Every night is pregnant with a revelation, which is the ladder for your elevation, but, are you prepared to subject and submit yourself for the noble, rigorous and mentally tasking work of a 'midwife of the midnight season'?

If you go into slumber at midnight, when the belly of darkness is being opened up, to reveal the mysteries that make for mastery on the earth, you would have unknowingly,reinforced the night enemy in his captivity agenda so much, that you would not be a "Commander" (Job 38:12), during the day but rather a captive of the armed strong man.

Every defeat suffered during daytime is rooted in the arrows of darkness fired by the strong man in the night.

I pray that, may you be driven, with the humility of a learner, to your knees, to aim your 'prayer-gun' at the 'Goliath of failure and infirmity' that has held many in the Kingdom, captive.

Now, shout with aggression of a warrior at the battle front:
  • Every evil umbrella confronting my rain of blessings CATCH FIRE!, in the name of Jesus.
  • Every power assigned to waste my resources and my potential, WHITHER BY FIRE! in the name of Jesus. Amen